Open 7 days a week 8 am-8 pm. Special requests can be accommodated.

Services Offered:

Role of the Family Mediator


A Parenting Plan is a document that lists how parents will raise ...

Child Support Calculations

Children must be financially supported by their parents. Child support is designed ...


We live in times where Adoptions are open and no longer closed...


In Ontario, unlike child support which is the law, the party who asks for spousal support...

Equalization of Family Property

In Ontario, the family’s assets and liabilities are accounted...

Parenting Plan Amendments

As children grow, their needs change. Your three year old may presently take swim classes...

Pre-Nuptial, Post-Nuptial

These are all agreements which lay out parties rights and obligations...

Blended Family Mediation

Many families today are made up of children and parents from previous relationships...